Sunday, 4 October 2015

Why we choose these questions for the questionaire

Andrew and me choose these questions to be able to get a general feeling of what the audiences want. Firstly, from our questions that we asked to do with age and gender, we will be able to see our target audience and what will be appropraite to show. Secondly, the questions to do with how often people go to the cinema, their prefered way of watching films and what genre they enjoy the most, this will give us insight into how we might make our film enjoyable and with ease for the viewers. Thirdly, finding out the origin of where most of our viewers will help us to know what their prefered type of film is, for example a thriller movie. In asking the audiences if they prefer short films or long films, this will make it easier to fufil the demands of the viewers and make the film as good as possible for their enjoyement.

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