Sunday 15 November 2015

Final Film Poster Idea

  • Our final idea for the film poster, is the image of an alcoholic drink, a pill, a cigarette in an ashtray and a note crunched up.
  • The idea of these images will give the audience an insight into what the story could be like.
  • It gives the audience the impression it might consist of a depressing outcome, since they're are alot of anti-depressants on the poster.
  • The tag line we will use for our film poster, would be 'A Night To Forget'.
  • The font we will be using, would consist of a dark, edgy font. This will give the audience insight into the genre of the film.
  • The background of the picture could be of misty grey clouds, as in our short film there are dark/confusing/depressing aspects.
  • The title used for our film poster, would be called 'The Wrong Night'.

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